Privacy Policy

White Possibilities values the privacy of its users. Therefore, this privacy policy explains in detail how we use and protect the information we collect when you visit our [website/mobile app], as well as our [media channel/other applications]. Read this privacy policy completely. Please refrain from visiting the site if the terms outlined below are not satisfactory to you.

We reserve the right to change this policy at any time and will list these changes in the updates section of the policy. By reading this notice and visiting the site, you agree that you understand that customers will not be personally notified when this policy changes.

Therefore, we advise our customers to frequently review our privacy policy so that they remain aware of its updates. By using the site, you accept that the posted policy and all its changes apply to your interaction with White Possibilities.

Information Collected by White Possibilities

Personal information may be collected by this site in many ways. This information includes:

  1. Manage your account information
  2. Customize ads
  3. Deliver promotions
  4. Email your account confirmation
  5. Manage purchases and payments
  6. Increase site efficiency
  7. Notify you of updates
  8. Offer new products
  9. Monitor and prevent theft
  10. Request your customer feedback
  11. Resolve account disputes
  12. Respond to your service requests
  13. [Other functions]

How We Use This Information

Our [website/mobile app] uses information collected to:

  • Manage your account information

  • Customize ads

  • Deliver promotions

  • Email your account confirmation

  • Manage purchases and payments

  • Increase site efficiency

  • Notify you of updates

  • Offer new products

  • Monitor and prevent theft

  • Request your customer feedback

  • Resolve account disputes

  • Respond to your service requests

  • [Other functions]

Information Disclosure

Normally, your information stays on our site. However, below we have listed the situations that may require us to share the information we collect from you:

  • When required by law, such as for fraud protection

  • With our third-party providers for payment processing and hosting

  • With your consent for marketing purposes

  • When you post comments on the site

  • To our advertisers, affiliates, and partners

  • If this site goes bankrupt and data must be transferred

  • [Other parties]

Cookies, Trackers, and Online Ads

We may use cookies, trackers, web beacons, and other technology to customize our [website/mobile app] to improve your experience. We may customize the site using this information. These trackers do not have access to your personal information and can be removed from your browser options.

In addition, third-party software provides ads for our site for marketing campaigns. These programs have access to tracking technology to optimize your ad experience. For more information about these ads, visit [link to the privacy policies of affiliate advertisers].

Website analytics such as through [list vendors and link to their policies] may also be used to track users and remarket our [website/mobile application]. We do not give these vendors access to your personal information.

Other Sites

Our website may contain links to third-party websites in the form of policies, ads, and other non- affiliated links. Once you leave our site, we are no longer responsible for how your information is collected and disclosed. Please refer to the privacy policies of those third-party sites for more information.

Information Security

We take technical and administrative precautions to protect your data, but we cannot guarantee its safety against all types of fraud or misuse. If you provide personal information, we cannot verify its total security against all types of interception.


Some browsers offer Do-Not-Track settings to prevent any information from being distributed. Since these settings have not been legally established as standard practice, we [do/do not acknowledge] these settings.

Additional Options

At any time, you may opt to review or change your account settings, including contact information. If you wish to delete your account, you may do so to remove most of your information, however, some identifying information will be retained to prevent fraud.

You may also opt-out of emails and other correspondences from our site at any time.

Oceania’s Privacy Rights

The Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act) is the principal piece of Australian legislation protecting the handling of personal information about individuals. This includes the collection, use, storage and disclosure of personal information in the federal public sector and in the private sector.

Other statutory provisions also affect privacy and separate privacy regimes apply to state and territory public sectors. We assist the Attorney-General to administer the Privacy Act.

The Privacy Act was significantly amended in 2014 and 2017 to enhance the protection of privacy in Australia.

Privacy Act reforms

The Privacy Act Review commenced in 2020 following recommendations by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission in its 2019 Digital platforms inquiry – final report.

On 16 February 2023 the Attorney-General publicly released the Privacy Act Review Report.

The completion of the Privacy Act Review followed amendments to the Privacy Act that commenced on 13 December 2022 to increase maximum penalties under the Privacy Act and provide the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner with enhanced enforcement powers.

COVID-19 and the Privacy Act

To assist entities during this period, the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner has published a guide: Coronavirus (COVID-19): Understanding your privacy obligations to your staff.

Notifiable Data Breaches scheme

The Notifiable Data Breaches scheme commenced as part of the Privacy Act on 22 February 2018.

The scheme requires notification to affected individuals and the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) where an entity subject to the Privacy Act experiences a data breach of personal information which poses a likely risk of serious harm to affected individuals.

Australian Privacy Principles

The Privacy Act provides 13 Australian Privacy Principles (APPs). The APPs apply to government agencies and private sector organisations with an annual turnover of $3 million or more. The APPs are principles-based—protecting privacy while not burdening agencies and organisations with inflexible prescriptive rules. The APPs:

  • deal with all stages of the processing of personal information, setting out standards for the collection, use, disclosure, quality and security of personal information

  • provide obligations on agencies and organisations subject to the Privacy Act concerning access to, and correction of, an individual’s own personal information.

The OAIC is responsible for investigating breaches of the APPs and credit reporting provisions. The OAIC’s powers include:

  • accepting enforceable undertakings

  • seeking civil penalties in the case of serious or repeated breaches of privacy

  • conducting assessments of privacy performances for both Australian Government agencies and businesses.

The Privacy Act is supported by the Privacy Regulation 2013 and the Privacy (Credit Reporting) Code 2014.

Contact Us

If you have questions or concerns about this privacy policy, please feel free to contact us at:

[[email protected]